Service update: Railways to Resume Service Monday August 26th

On Saturday August 24th, the Canadian Industrial Labour Board (CIRB) had issued its decision that both rail lines at CPKC and CN and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) employees are to resume operations and return to work on Monday August 26th. What does this mean for you? During the work stoppage, we promptly activated our… Continue reading Service update: Railways to Resume Service Monday August 26th

Important Service Update: Railway Strike Coming Thursday August 22nd

The Teamsters union served strike notice to CPKC, and CN Rail issued a lock out notice. Both CPKC and CN Rail have been halting shipments in preparation for potential work stoppages. Unless all parties can reach a last-minute agreement, workers will be off the job as of 12:01 am EST on Thursday August 22nd. In… Continue reading Important Service Update: Railway Strike Coming Thursday August 22nd

Important Service Update: TCRC Strike Preparations & Shipping Impacts

We want to assure you that we are committed to keeping you informed and helping you prepare for any potential service disruptions regarding the TCRC strike. In our last update on August 9th, the CIRB has ruled that no railway services need to be maintained during a strike or lockout to protect Canadian public health… Continue reading Important Service Update: TCRC Strike Preparations & Shipping Impacts


In our ongoing communication with you, we wanted to provide the latest press release from CPKC concerning the ongoing negotiations involving CPKC, CN and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.  The CIRB has determined that that no services need to be maintained during a railway strike or lockout in order to protect Canadian public health and… Continue reading UPDATE ON TCRC COLLECTIVE BARGAINING NEGOTIATIONS

Customer Bulletin: Wildfires in Western Canada

We want to inform you that we are closely monitoring shipments due to the ongoing wildfires in Northern Alberta, British Columbia, and Yukon. Some areas are under evacuation orders, which may cause shipment delays. If your shipments have been impacted, our dedicated customer service team will keep you updated on the latest developments. We are… Continue reading Customer Bulletin: Wildfires in Western Canada


We want to assure you that in addition of keeping you informed, we also want to help you be prepared for any potential interruptions. We have created a contingency plan regarding your shipments and will execute that plan if necessary. In any event, a legal strike or lockout cannot occur unless a minimum of 72… Continue reading UPDATE ON TCRC COLLECTIVE BARGAINING NEGOTIATIONS

Important Railway Update

In our ongoing communication with you, we wanted to provide the latest press release from CPKC concerning the ongoing negotiations involving CPKC, CN and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference. As we receive more information, we will continue to update you. UPDATE ON TCRC COLLECTIVE BARGAINING NEGOTIATIONS May 16, 2024 CALGARY, AB, May 16, 2024 /CNW/… Continue reading Important Railway Update

Important: Railway Update

We wanted to reach out and give the latest update regarding the CPKC and CN negotiations. The Ministry of Labour has now involved the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to determine if, contrary to the agreement reached by the railway and the unions, any rail activity must continue during a strike or lockout to protect… Continue reading Important: Railway Update

Important Notice: Potential Rail Strike Impacting Shipments in Canada

To all our valued customers: We wanted to reach out to inform you about the ongoing negotiations between Canada Pacific Kanas City (CPKC) and Canadian National (CN) railways with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC). This could lead to the possibility of a strike or lockout, which could significantly impact rail services. As part of… Continue reading Important Notice: Potential Rail Strike Impacting Shipments in Canada

Service Update: CPKC Train Derailment

An incident involving a CPKC derailment occurred on the Brooks Subdivision southeast of Calgary, Alberta on evening of Monday February 5th. There were no reported injuries. However, a number of Fastfrate containers were impacted by the event. Our Toronto and Montreal customer service team is in the process of reaching out to all affected customers… Continue reading Service Update: CPKC Train Derailment