Fastfrate Group Proudly Announces the First of 3 Branches Being Renamed in Honour of Long-Standing Employees!
15 octobre 2020It is with great pleasure, that our new facility in Edmonton, Alberta will be renamed the BILL SHUPENIA FASTFRATE EDMONTON CENTER.
Bill Joined Fastfrate May 1, 1978. He has been our Senior Manager in Edmonton since I have owned the company, states Executive Chairman, Ron Tepper. Although for many years, Bill was required to work out of a less than ideal facility (in fact, less than ideal really meant old and dilapidated), I never once heard him complain throughout the years. In spite of these tough working conditions, Bill grew our business in Edmonton to the point that for several years, it was our top performing branch in Western Canada by a longshot. He delivered margins that other branches could only dream about!
Bill managed to keep his staff happy and productive throughout those years. You don’t get best-in-class margins without the manager doing what is needed to be done for that to happen. Bill and I have known each other since 1994. Not once did I ever hear him say that anything we asked of him was not doable. It is a sign of very strong leadership and strong leadership leads to strong results. That is what we have experienced from Bill and his staff in Edmonton over all these years.
Renaming our new large facility in Edmonton, which has several operating components, is a perfect tribute to honour Bill for his outstanding dedication and leadership. Once the economy returns to a more normal state and we can travel again, President and CEO, Manny Calandrino and I plan to have a formal renaming of the terminal with Bill, in person.
Thank you again Bill, your leadership is what made our Fastfrate Edmonton location everything it is today!